
Introduction :
CLL was established in April 2016 to provide a quality service to clients within the fields of Automotive, industrial automation.
Today, we have expanded beyond product sales to a wider range of services incorporating design and supply of low voltage switchboard, motor control center (MCC), control panel. We provide solutions for designing, fabricating and customization of switchboards and control panels. With over 10 years of engineering experience, we are also equipped with modern facilities and highly trained staff for manufacturing process. from technical drawings to the installation and commissioning of control panels and systems. We fully involve ourselves mainly into industrial segment with many applications for food industrial, air-conditioning, automotive, clean rooms, data center, hospital, industrial and process.
Corporate mission of CLL is to achieve a position as the market leading provider of complete line of energy saving products, building automation systems, industrial and process automation systems, HVAC system and power electronics products. CLL continuously strives to design, manufacture, and market new cutting edge products benefiting business partners in all business areas.